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IRAQ Airport Expansion, Cargo & Logistics Exhibition and Conference Under the patronage of RUS Aviation

26 February 2011

The Iraq Airport Expansion, Cargo & Logistics Exhibition and Conference is one of the first of its kind to be held in the most promising markets for Airports Expansion and Cargo & Logistics in Erbil – Iraq. The event will take place from 26-28th of April 2011 at the Erbil International Fair Centre. The event is expected to attract more than 5000 trade visitors, buyers and government officials from the respective ministries. The Iraq Airport Expansion, Cargo & Logistics will feature the array of exhibitors from various segments of the industries who will be keen to tap in to the highly lucrative Iraq’s Airports and Logistics Sector. The ongoing new & infrastructure up gradation valued to the tune of US$ 150 billion provides an excellent platform to the Iraqi companies to consolidate and increase their market share and to the foreign companies for new ventures. The entrance is free for the Trade visitors and Government officials. The event is supported by the Government ministries and various trade associations across the globe.

Source: Arabian Reach